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Watcorp Designs is proud to announce our upcoming Kickstarter - WOE STALKERS

Launching FEB 26TH 2021 WOE STALKERS is a project that aims to deliver high detail, high quality, highly tested 3D files for a variety of unique war machines for use in tabletop wargames or as display pieces.
The first of these machines is the WOE STALKER itself

Standing at between 185 and 220mm (depending on stance) the WOE STALKER is a 40 piece multi-part kit designed for resin printing.
All parts are extensively optimised and test printed on a variety of home resin 3D printers (Anycubic Photon, Anycubic Photon S, Elegoo Mars and Anycubic Photon Mono X).
For ease of use all parts come pre-hollowed for minimal material use and are pre-supported - just slice and run!
Standing at between 185 and 220mm (depending on stance) the WOE STALKER is a 40 piece multi-part kit designed for resin printing.
All parts are extensively optimised and test printed on a variety of home resin 3D printers (Anycubic Photon, Anycubic Photon S, Elegoo Mars and Anycubic Photon Mono X).
For ease of use all parts come pre-hollowed for minimal material use and are pre-supported - just slice and run!

Multiple part flexible claw arm with 2 inbuilt weapon options

Under hull weapon options

Accompanying the WOESTALKERS are the smaller but no less deadly HUNTER bots. What they lack in size they make up for in malevolence.
These deadly bots are often found stalking in packs in areas inaccessible to their larger cousins.

Like the WOESTALKERS the HUNTERS are multipart kits with poseable legs and a variety of weapon options.

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